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Presentación obras anteriores de las artistas viusales en las principales capitales de Chile.

The visual artists will give conferences in Chile presenting their previous works to the public.


18 MARZO 2015 - 18hrs

Sala de Conferencias Angela Schweitzer, Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta.


30 MARZO 2015 - 18hrs

Edificio principal de la INACH, Instituto Antártico Chileno, Punta Arenas.


01 ABRIL 2015 - 15hrs

Sala Adolfo Couve, Departamento de Artes Visuales, Universidad de Chile, Santiago.


10 ABRIL 2015 - 12hrs

Departamento de Artes Plásticas, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción.


25 ABRIL 2015 - 14hrs

Evento Final Casapoli residencias de arte. Presentación proceso y obras a la comunidad, Coliumo, Tomé.


TRIANGULAR PROJECT is a collective of visual artists working with the theme of space. The artistic practises of Florine Leoni (Switzerland), Macarena Ruiz-Tagle (Chile) and Sandra Volny (Canada) draw a TRIANGLE - a three-sided shape based on three kinds of perception: perception of psychological/mental space, perception of optical/perceptual space, and aural & spatial awareness.


Working in situ, their interests and actions intertwine with the local community's culture, history and geography. Experimentation is their main tool in approaching the environment.


They consider the process as important as the final work of art. Collective work, side by side with invited participants, unfolds into a shared creation of knowledge.

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